Okay, Who’s Been Drinking?

Remember Mandy Baldwin? I guess she’s still around but her last two books have not exactly hit the NYT bestseller list. Anyway, back in May of 2014 I wrote about her and her sleazy review tactics, twice on the 11th because I had to include a response to the Ugly Green Hate Site and once on the 14th because TUGHS just couldn’t seem to grasp what I was talking about and were flinging their usual poo with all the hysteria and enthusiasm they could muster.

Today I was skimming my emails and found this little gem:

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Because, really, not posting anything on Mandy in over 4 years is the very definition of a stalker. (rolls eyes) And as for being anonymous, hello? Sometimes you just have to wonder how someone so stupid has managed to survive. And, of course, 9MM  is him?/her?self anonymous.

I needed a good laugh and 9MM (really?) provided.

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Faleena Hopkins Denies Revised

She’s baaa-ack! This was on her Twitter this morning:

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Mmmm,yeah. Right. Sure. It seems Princess Pickled might have a short term memory problem so some kind soul helpfully posted this:

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From the replies it doesn’t seem like other authors and readers are buying what she’s trying to sell.

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There are more replies on Twitter but as you can see things still aren’t going in the direction Faleena wants. it would be a huge help if she didn’t try to claim one thing in court and the opposite in her author group and on Twitter.

So, are her readers so unsophisticated that they can’t tell if who wrote a book with the word “cocky” in the title? Do they believe all books with a cover model used by Faleena means the book’s author is plagiarizing Faleena? Is it truly impossible for them to return an ebook?

Does she keep them locked in the trunk of her car?

And what’s with this stuffing of her books?

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Paul really wants to know about book stuffing. Do you? Linda Hilton has written an excellent post here .

Revision or addition:

Hold the phone, Faleena, Wells Fargo ? Not exactly the workplace to brag about.

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The Return of the Prodigal Publisher (Engler/Black)

It’s been too long, dear readers, since I’ve posted about any sort of bad behavior in the book community. But before we commence, the 28th is rapidly approaching and you all need to download any books purchased from Samhain because they are closing for real on that date.

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Now, let’s talk about another ebook publisher, namely EC for Books, previously known as Ellora’s Cave. It is now dead and gone but still causing problems for authors as I wrote here, but then it seems that there is also:


And this:


Somebody asks the pertinent question:


So, EC is/isn’t sending 1099s to authors that may or may not have received the royalties claimed in the 1099. It also sounds like Torquere isn’t bothering to send any at all. Ah, the glamorous life of the author. Now, I’ve been wondering what Tina Engler/Jaid Black would come up with next because those ill-gotten royalties aren’t going to last forever.


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Yes, she’s back and selling not one but five ebooks on Amazon, the business she (tried to) blame for her company’s financial woes. Let’s take a look. (Since I started this post she has added three more.)






Now, do you notice anything? Look closer. Closer.


Valentina Antonia? Who? What?



Well that’s really not helpful. And Riley Park? I looked up Riley and this popped up:


Looks like Engler/Black has hidden herself or is trying to hide herself behind a registered agent service. Notice the filing date. Don’t you just love a woman who plans ahead?

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“When you create a Wyoming corporation or Wyoming LLC, you are forming a legal entity that does not have the ability to communicate on its own.” Engler/Black has never had any problem not communicating before. “If your business is ever sued…” Uh, we all know she’s more likely to sue than be sued but there is always a second time (the first being Chris Brashears). Add to that no taxes and the anonymity of not having any member names listed anywhere and it does seem that E/B has found her idea of consequence free heaven.

Engler/Black and her mother, Patty Marks, left quite a mess behind them and now it seems that E/B is trying to shake off the consequences of her own actions and start over with a clean slate while the authors she cheated are still trying to recoup their financial losses, republish their books, and maybe deal with a 1099 for money they never collected.

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Posted from Galit.


“We did our part…”

Let’s file this under “bitch, please”.

On January 2 Jaid Black posted this on her FB page:

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This was the first time in, well, quite  a while that she has mentioned EC. And when someone posted their regrets for the closing she had this to say:


“No longer worth it”? Not enough authors left that she wanted to not pay royalties to, I guess. And on a post about the sudden closing of All Romance Ebooks she offered up another excuse:

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The “Amazon did it” excuse. Amazon did not not pay EC but EC sure as hell did not pay part of their authors. EC/Jaid Black/Patty Marks never seemed to understand that Amazon wasn’t going to roll over and give them special treatment because they thought they deserved it. Black played the victim for years.

And there were, and still are, plenty who think she is. Or maybe just a weak-minded, dull-witted, easily duped fragile flower.

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Aaaannnnd Kevin Weinberg gets it wrong, so wrong, again. Oh, he never got paid but the reasons why were much different than he wants Redditors to believe. They had a falling out over politics for sure but Weinberg was stupid enough to tell her to her FB face that he knew better than she did about racial discrimination. (My sympathies were totally with Black on this one.)

Not surprised he didn’t get paid. Not surprised that it wasn’t his fault. Really, these two were a match made in denial heaven. And speaking of denial heaven, Black posted this today:

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So many retorts spring to mind. I do love the “We cannot continue to expend time on an endeavor that provides us with no income” line. Isn’t that what part of your authors were doing? They received no income, EC got the money, the authors got nothing but insults and accusations. I love that Black tries to herself in with the affected authors because we all know that if Amazon doesn’t correct this problem soon that Black/Marks/EC will be receiving money from Amazon and all those other authors won’t.

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Ellora’s Cave Now Threatening RWA With Bogus Defamation Lawsuit(?)

And now for the daily news about our not-so-favorite publisher, Ellora’s Cave brought to you by Nate Hoffelder at The Digital Reader.

3278124117_f146ea9a65_bThe romance publisher Ellora’s Cave has moved on from trying to silence book bloggers with a SLAPP lawsuit; now it is reportedly making threats against the Romance Writers of America.

For more read here.

Letting My Bitch Flag Fly

Self published authors have a hard time finding bloggers that will review them and here is a shining example of why that is.

Dear author, the everyone is talking about,  first I have to address a couple issues with your book. “”What is this?” I asked with in-trepidation.”  In-trepidation?  No. Please see the definitions below and choose wisely (hint:  choose the second).

Simple Definition of intrepid

  • : feeling no fear : very bold or brave

Simple Definition of trepidation

  • : a feeling of fear that causes you to hesitate because you think something bad or unpleasant is going to happen

Then there is this sentence,  “Do I make you feel things you’ve never felt before?” , I am positive that there are a few talented writers out there that could make this line work but I am equally positive that you aren’t one of them. You can’t even write a decent non-apology.

And now let us speak about that non-apology, it starts out innocently enough, “Dear Authors, Readers, and Bloggers alike, I do want to clear up some misconceptions about all of the things that have been circulating around on social media recently:” And then it rapidly slides down Mount Whatthefuck,  ” I’m sorry that you either didn’t enjoy Quinn or simply refuse to read this series due to the latest events that have transpired on social media. I appreciate your true and honest feedback, I truly do.”  I suspect that the honest feedback you’ve been getting since your little FB plea has been far, far too honest and if you really appreciate honest feedback than I wouldn’t be writing this.

People have misconstrued my words on a post that was screen shot and then circulated.First of all,
I did not call this particular blogger a bitch. I said “flag that bitch” – it’s a colloquial term – as in “flag that review” – and it was in NO way shape or form meant to demean that particular blogger. One cannot “flag” a person on Goodreads – they can, however, flag “reviews”. Hence : “Flag that review”” Umm, no. Why no? Let us look at a screenshot.

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You refer to “some blogger”, then “flag that bitch”. then “People LIKE her review”. Blogger, bitch, her, c’mon do you really think anyone believes you meant the review and not the person?

“I absolutely feel horrid that this blogger thought I had called her that name. For that being taken out of context, I apologize. I would never want to take a hurtful jab at anyone or hurt their feelings. I would never call or think to call anyone, let alone a blogger a bitch. Anyone who knows me, has NEVER seen, read, nor heard me call a person a profanity on any public or personal thread, period. So yes – I screwed up – because Flag that bitch sounds bad any which way you spin it.”  Yes, you certainly did screw up and nothing was taken out of context. And here we see the first mention of another problem:  the dreaded “anybody who knows me” denial and innocence excuse.

“People who know me – know my heart and soul – and they know I was not coming from a bad place when I posted my request. Believe me when I say I have had my fair share of poor reviews – and I had never before taken action or offense to them over the past two years that I have been writing.” You weren’t coming from a bad place? So, you were filled with joy and love when you called on your fans to “flag that bitch”?

“Yes – I had disagreed with this bloggers review. Just as it is this bloggers right for her to have her own opinion of my book – I felt I had a right to my opinion about her review. Why is that so wrong? Why must I be afraid to not voice my own opinion when readers so clearly can?” Why, oh why, can’t I call the bitch a bitch, you cry. How about because the bitch, uh, reviewer isn’t trying to sell her opinion. You, however, are trying to sell this piece of crap.

“I felt that one particular blogger was making a mockery of me and of my story – This blogger clearly went out of her way to find (in my eyes) demeaning gif’s to compliment each of her derogatory paragraphs in-between. It was my interpretation – just as it was your interpretation that her review was fantastic.” Bless your heart, you can’t count either. There were three gifs, three. Here is the review, please have someone count the paragraphs for you. I guess demeaning is open to interpretation, be happy that none of them were of a pigeon shitting on a book.

“I want to be as open and candid as possible in this situation, because it is only fair for you to see my intentions, and my mistakes for being a human, as well as my remorse. I am woman enough to admit when I am wrong – I most certainly ran on emotions – and afterwards had a smack me in the head moment – because in that moment of emotionalism, I was NOT thinking. I should have contacted that reviewer.” Got news for you, you still aren’t thinking. Contact the reviewer, are you insane? It’s either insane or jaw-dropping stupid. Remember only one of you is trying to sell something. And the reviewer is entitled to her opinion.

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“All of the comments thereafter that ensued on this bloggers thread both on Facebook and on Goodreads were distasteful, unprofessional, and frankly I was taken aback. It was to my understanding that there were certain guidelines for one to follow when reviewing books with Sullivan + Partners. I was under the impression bloggers were to first and foremost supposed to communicate with them if they felt the book was under a 3 star read before posting a review. This did not happen.” You do realize you are insulting people again? I think your understanding had less to do with reality and more to do with wishful thinking. And I wonder what Sullivan + Partners think of you right now.

“All of the bloggers that have been working with Sullivan + Partners have been so incredible and professional, even the negative reviews had been so professionally crafted. So I was shocked and taken aback by this particular review, because of the cartoonish tone which was full of satire, and snippets that were taken out of context. Again, this was my own interpretation.” I have some bad news for you, even in context your writing is not all that good. And you really need to familiarize yourself with the idiom “out of context”. You don’t seem to know what it means. And you keep subtly and not so subtly harping on the “unprofessionalism” of the reviewer, I thought you were apologizing?

“I had placed all bloggers working with Sullivan on a pedestal, because even the 2 – 3 star reviews were of quality caliber and objective. When I saw this particular review I had thought surely this reviewer didn’t come from Sullivan.” She read your crappy book, she gets to say it is crappy. Her writing is much better than yours. Much better. Light years better. And she uses the correct words, you need to consult a dictionary. Often.

“Yes – I had asked some of my team members to flag that review – because honestly – it was one of the first reviews I felt was malicious, demeaning, and full of derision, and it hurt. I do have feelings, we all have feelings. However, it may not have been the way you would have handled this situation, but at that particular moment in time, it was my way of handling it – right or wrong -” Call me crazy but I’m not really seeing an apology anywhere in this rambling mess  of “it’s everybody’s fault but mine”. Right or wrong? As incredible as it is to me this isn’t your first book  and you claim to have had 2 star reviews before so you just decided that you wanted to be the latest snowflake to meltdown? It’s a pretty mild review.

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“I’m terribly sorry all these bloggers felt “I took the cake” – as well as jumped to the worst conclusions about me and my character. As I said, if you knew the entire story – both sides of the coin – I don’t believe you would be feeling this way toward me. There is nothing I can do to change your view point of me, and for that I am saddened. I truly am.” If there’s another side to the story then let’s hear it but so far all I’m seeing is excuses. Get to the point.

“I strive very hard to keep all drama off my pages – as well avoiding all forms of gossip, calling people names, publicly calling people out, or having malicious intent to down others. I have been nothing but supportive of readers, authors and bloggers alike.” This is my first encounter with you and you are presenting yourself as a whining entitled snowflake. Good first impression.

“We all sin and fall short of the Glory of God, do we not? Let he who is without sin cast the first stone. Why is it okay for both readers and bloggers alike to now trash me – publicly circulating only half the story – all the while “judging” me and running me down? The anger and derisiveness those people are exuding has been far worse.”  If there is another side of the story, get to it. But just because you didn’t like that review is not the other side of the story, it is your excuse for very bad behavior. I heard you didn’t just post a call to arms on FB but you also posted this on Goodreads:

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You commented then deleted those comments on reviews on GR you didn’t like,  and you were trying to mess with the book database. That is a very big no-no. GR isn’t going to be forgiving. Then you posted this in response to a fan who tried to talk you off the edge:

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What’s with the whole real life/fiction thing? She didn’t like your writing. Stop trying to make it something else. And, um, “Fuck that”? What happened to striving not to name call? What happened to keeping it drama free? Honey, you are the 600 lb drama llama of the internet right now.

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“I have always taught my children there are 2 sides to every coin and to not make a decision on judging until they know the entire story from both sides. I truly feel that if people knew me  – they would have seen this in a different light. I’m just astounded that others who were NOT involved – have chimed in the way they have – quick to judge, and quick to trash me, and my character when they know nothing about me, or the entire situation. Nor do those people know my heart or just how giving of a person I am, nor do they know how much sleep I have lost over this debacle.” We know that you melted down like any other snowflake, asked your fans to flag a review that did not violate GR’s TOS, called reviewers trolls, reviewed your own book and made snotty remarks about readers/reviewers that didn’t like your book, tried to alter the book database, and made this rambling hot mess of excuses and tried to pass it off as an apology. Your character is thinner than the ones in your book.

BTW, people have the right to rate your book however they like and why would anyone recommend your book now? You’ve attacked one reviewer then proceeded to spew over all the one stars. What will you do to the next person who doesn’t like your book?

“Nobody knows how much another person is going through at any given moment in their live. The things within peoples personal life can sometimes stretch a persons ability to deal with certain matters and situations which would normally have been brushed off with ease. This was one of those cases. It is hard for me to believe that nobody has never been short-tempered before, or reacted to something rashly when their mental and physical limits have been stretched so very thin. I am most certain those people would want to have grace and forgiveness displayed to them, and I’m am doubly certain they wouldn’t want one of their most weakest moments spread to all four corners of social media either.”  Well, if you flop it out there people are gonna talk. Forgiveness is granted to those who ask but you haven’t asked.  It wasn’t a weak moment, once you got started you didn’t seem to know when to quit, or maybe you didn’t want to quit.

“I only wish this person who felt they needed to screen shot a post that was meant for my team – to have come to me personally and had a one on one discussion with me – asking me to explain myself – it would have been the right and professional thing to do, no?” Why is it everybody but you has to be professional? You are the author, sort of, when are you going to be professional? Will it be any time in this decade?

“This entire scenario deeply saddens me, and the outpouring of judgement without asking me my side, is even sadder. I felt I needed to explain my side to you, because I am not “that” author. I am simply not. I may be unfiltered at times, but my heart is genuine, and I would even go so far as to give those who dislike me the shirt off my back.”  What side? Did anybody see her side? “Nobody knows how much another person is going through at any given moment in their live. The things within peoples personal life can sometimes stretch a persons ability to deal with certain matters and situations which would normally have been brushed off with ease.” That isn’t your side and it’s a pretty bad piece of writing.

“Now that you have heard the other side of the coin, there will still be people who will hold no grace or forgiveness in their heart. This saddens me as well. Those people will be content to remain angry and “quick to judge” and I cannot fix that or change their mind about me or my character no matter what I do or say.”  You cannot change their minds because you have done nothing to show you are sorry for your actions.

“I had a new reader contact me last night. Instead of trashing me publicly, she approached me via messenger to clear the air and her conscious. I so very much appreciated that. She wanted to discuss this with me before passing her own judgement on the situation. I gave her the above letter you just read – and this was her response.”  And now you will try to show people the correct, according to you, way to handle their unhappiness with your actions. Here’s the thing, once you put it out in public you don’t have control of the situation anymore.


Thank you for responding. And I appreciate you explaining. I see your point; however, it wouldn’t be my way to handle the situation, it was your way and that’s your right.

I certainly understand “things we all go through” as my husband has stage 4 cancer. He is the love of my life and we have been married for 35 years. I am a 54 year old high school registrar, my husband is a teacher. As I said I have always been a reader. It’s my escape to another world and

gives me peace and enjoyment. I had just finished your book this morning and immediately preordered book 2 which I understand to be out on 4/19. I will read it at MD Anderson Cancer Hospital for yet another day of treatment for my husband. For you see even though I didn’t care for your post I am still a fan, a new fan of your work, and I will continue to read your books.


well, now your making me cry. lol. I am sorry about your husband, and I will most certainly say a prayer for him.

It just saddens me that people just assume I’m calling others a name such as that, and jumping the gun. – when I did not.

Thank you for your kind words – they mean a lot to me right now. Stay strong. xoxo


I’m sorry I assumed too much. I saw the post and felt you called the blogger a bitch. I was disappointed because I loved your book so much! If nothing else I got to speak with you and now I know you’re a caring person, a Mom and someone that prays!

Keep writing! You have true talent! God bless”

And we get to see you as a caring, praying mom. Is that reserved only for those that contact you using your approved methods? And what has this to do with making an apology?

“AND  THIS  ABOVE is why I write. This is what moves me.  This brought literal tears to my eyes, because I care about other people, what they are going through, and I care about their pain. I told her I would pray for her and her husband, and I have and will continue to do so. Somewhere inside I am outraged by your using God in your petty and outrageous actions against those reviewers who didn’t like your book and/or your actions.

“It’s not about money for me, it’s about connecting with readers who are needing an escape from the realities of life and their own pain even if it’s for a few hours. This is my character , this is the real me, and this new reader  touched me on a very deep level. THIS is what it’s  all about for me. It’s about connecting with readers and touching their lives in a positive way.” It’s good it’s not about money because I think you tanked this turkey.

“I am only sorry and disheartened your first impression of me was in a negative light. I by no means meant anyone any ill will, harm, or malice. I had acquired all of the participating blogger names to add into the acknowledgement section of both my paperback books and digital books, thank all of you for taking time out of your busy ARC schedule to read for me. All of those blogger names will still remain in my books no matter what you think of me, or my books, because I am still appreciative of the time you took from your busy schedule to even read the first book.”  Ye-ah, you certainly appreciated all over the place. I would hate to see what you do when you aren’t appreciative.

In the book the heroine packed her vibrator when she went on the run in a national park. The author posted this picture on GR along with making remarks 2, 4, and 6 in the conversation that followed.

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For someone who claims to avoid name calling and drama you  certainly couldn’t prove it by your actions. Let’s take one last look at those actions:

You took offense at a 2 star review and asked your followers to flag it.

You left a review of your book which was basically a way to diss any one star review.

You posted some not very drama-free comments in various places.

You tried to alter the GR book database.

You wrote this “apology” wherein you explained how good and righteous you are and all those reviewers who didn’t like your book aren’t. An apology isn’t about you, you, you.

Your “apology” is rated

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Twitter Bans Kevin Weinberg/parogar and then…

WARNING:   Some of you might be uncomfortable or triggered by the obscenity and violence, both outright and implied, in the enclosed screenshots. 

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Thank you, SisterShootToThrill, and thank you to John (Darkwriter) Green who taught me the joy of the screenshot.

Hello, Dear Readers,. this is a little something before the last (I think) post on scamming and coupon clubs  and Amazon. It’s about that basement dwelling mama’s boy, Kevin Weinberg/parogar.

And what has Basement Boy done now? I’m glad you asked. At the end of February, the 29th to be precise, Basement Boy or Moist Chihuahua as we now call him finally got himself banned permanently from Twitter. That makes it three bannings in just over a year- Wattpad, GoodReads, and now Twitter. You would  think that such an obvious attention whore would be a little more careful because if he keeps losing platforms to do the bidding of such sterling people as Annie Rice, Melissa (STGRB) Douthit, and Jaid (Ellora’s Cave) Black they might just stop returning his tweets. Oh wait, he can’t tweet now, can he?

The Moist Chihuahua has had a love/hate relationship with Twitter. Yes, it was a place where he loved to hate … anyone who dared to hold an opinion Moist didn’t like. But also he seems to have spent a lot of time deleting his account and then reinstating it.

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Yes, indeed, thank you, Twitter. It wasn’t all that long ago that Chihuahua tweeted this

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But why did Twitter ban the Chihuahua? It’s sort of a mystery to him, just like much of life.

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Hmmm. I don’t think so. Sure, it might have been the proverbial last straw but Moist Chihuahua has posted other, more controversial tweets. You know I’m going to show you.

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Notice he doesn’t wish death on anyone but …

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In case you couldn’t guess, one of those women is me. And reading through all his Twitter crap made me at least nauseous and bored. After a while I thought about sending him a nice thesaurus and dictionary.

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Dear Cthulhu, all I can picture is thisScreenshot (3417)

Someone fetch him his smelling salts.

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Pretty sure this is a different “her”.

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He haz delusions of adequacy.

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I guess I should have warned you all that this will be a loooooong post.

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tRump is his personal wet dream, only a man with too much money and a bad toupee can give little Chihuahua what he wants most- freedom to yap wherever, whenever, and whatever he feels like.

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He’s still breathing, he’s still writing, he’s still being

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Yeah, that. I guess it must have slipped his fevered little brain that he “destroyed” or DESTROYED his own life. Wattpad told him what he needed to do to stay and he chose not to do that. Too bad, not sad.

Back to the crap.

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Yeah, you forced him to do this. He’s powerless.

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But he doesn’t wish death on anyone.Screenshot (6001)Screenshot (6002)PunishedScreenshot (6003)Screenshot (6006)

But he doesn’t wish death on anybody.Screenshot (6007)Screenshot (6008)Screenshot (6348)Screenshot (5990)Screenshot (5942)Screenshot (5994)

Kittens out-violent him.

Now you might be wondering if there is a point to all this, this, whatever and there is. Here I think is a good time for


Now on the same day Chihuahua went over to Reddit and posted about his banning.Screenshot (5925)

I’m thinking Twitter finally had enough of the reports of targeted harassment and inflammatory tweets and just seized the last reason he was reported and kicked him to the curb.Screenshot (6053)

I don’t think he’s gonna miss Twitter. They wouldn’t let him play by his rules.

Screenshot (5924)He’s not a violent person, fires of hell is just a sign of affection. Or barbeque.Screenshot (5923)

Not everyone supported the snowflake, uh, Chihuahua.Screenshot (5919)He doesn’t really mean what he tweets. It just feels good. Does he yell “Fire” in a crowded theatre? Free speech is All. This is a whole ‘nother blog.

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Can’t argue with this.Screenshot (5916)Can’t argue with this either. He had plenty of opportunity to save his Wattpad account but he chose not to.

Screenshot (6054)Now, here we are and the Moist Chihuahua has announced he is banned and won’t appeal and won’t be back. So I guess he wasn’t getting enough love because

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That’ll show them.

And now, the wrap up. So Chihuahua has announced no more twitter and good riddance.Screenshot (6074)

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He got out just in time!    Or, did he?  You know what comes next. On the 29th, the day he was banned.

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That’s right, Dear Readers.

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Yeah, he won’t be going back to Twitter. And he really isn’t a violent person. He doesn’t wish anybody dead. He doesn’t hate women. He doesn’t lie. Really.

Thank you, Dear readers, if you are still reading you are gluttons for punishment.

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KMM, Phil Gigante, & I Guess It’s Okay When It’s Not YOUR Daughter

Sigh. This is going to be a hard one. First, if you want to support and read Karen Marie Moning, fine. I quit reading her years ago, didn’t even finish the Mac and Barrons books. I would be mildly surprised if she became the next E L James but I wouldn’t notice if she dropped off the radar completely. Until this week she was just an author who had bored me but now she has graduated to an author who disgusts me.

I think Bibliodaze was the first post I read about this whole unsavory situation. Jenny Trout weighs in here. The Gilded Earlobe posts this, and Jeaniene Frost had this to say. What started all this was an announcement by KMM on her FB page.

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The “issues” were the charges against Gigante involving a 14 yr old girl. “Issues” was not the appropriate word, felonies was the word. Posters queried their absence and someone posted a link to this article. Moning was not receptive and posted this:

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And deleted any reference to Gigante and the charges. And then proceeded to post this:

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And this:

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Posters implored her to post what she and many people knew but there was nothing from KMM until this:

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Before I get to the really disgusting part let us just consider the timeline. Gigante was charged in July 2015, he plead guilty to two of four felony charges in a deal that dropped the other two in October 2015, he was sentenced in December, is now serving his 4 months, and is registered as a Tier 2 Sex Offender. None of this happened in a hurry, there was plenty of time for Moning to get her facts straight before she went public.

A number of her more ardent fans have protested that Gigante was her friend and she was only standing up for him but wouldn’t you think a friend would be more conversant with the facts? Because she got it wrong, she got it wrong and asked her fans to trust her. What do I tell you, Dear Readers? Get the link(s), look for yourself. Some posters did and Moning deleted their comments because she knew better.

But I have heard that her last Fever book wasn’t as well received as previous ones and, cynical little me, I have to wonder if she decided that a little controversy would be good for sales. She wouldn’t be the first.

This original post is now gone. I wish I had screenshots of some of the comments she left up because this is where the disgusting part comes in. This is where Moning deleted the links to Gigante’s arrest and plea agreement but left up comments that tried to excuse his actions and place the blame, all or in part, on the girl. ‘Cause Phil is such a nice guy, so talented, what a shame to blame him when we all know what some 14 yr old girls are like.

You know the ones, don’t you?

If you want to get the feel for the mindset here you have to look no further than Moning’s  “apology” post.


“He’s the adult period.” This. Let’s look at a few facts.

1 Gigante is 49, his victim is 14.

2 He met her when he was volunteering at the school. If this isn’t an abuse of trust and power …

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3. He’s married. With two children slightly younger than his victim. The only ones who have posted about what this must be like for her and their kids are those not trying to excuse Gigante or blame the victim.

I found two little interesting newspaper articles, the first one is here, I hesitated to link to it but it is easily enough found. The second is here, the company is registered to Natalie Ross.

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That just doesn’t sound like such a good idea now. Gigante isn’t a nice guy. He didn’t make a mistake, he didn’t suffer a lapse in judgement. “”I had inappropriate conversations on Facebook private message,” Gigante told the court Tuesday.” Not a conversation but conversations. And there was an exchange of inappropriate photos. So not a one time thing.

Did he ever look at his children and think about someone having those conversations with them? Did he ever look at his wife and think about how he was cheating her?

People need to stop with the “yes, buts” and start talking about how to encourage children to speak up and speak out when an adult attempts to engage them in an inappropriate relationship.

Now, KMM is free to do as she pleases but it has escaped very few who are watching this that she hasn’t shut down the posters pointing a finger at Gigante’s victim and when they aren’t excusing and accusing they are stroking Moning’s ego.



I’m sorry, I must have missed all the whining and hating posts, perhaps someone could point them out? There seem to be a lot of posts full of love and praise for her bravery, her defense of Gigante, and her apology. Her apology.

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Um, she made four that I count, which one is she apologizing for? The first where she announces Phil and Natalie are returning and not to “spread the hate” for the narrators who had replaced them? The one where she announces she’s deleting all the to protect all the parties involved and FB isn’t the place to discuss it. Then she continues to discuss it and does not protect the 14 yr old party involved. The post where she declares there is more to the story and many people know what really happened and Gigante’s not a predator.  Or the last one where she said she knew people would overreact and either you trusted her or didn’t, the facts weren’t what was reported, she was going to use him, and he was only charged with an improper message on FB. Which one?

When compared to her previous posts, it seems grudging and cold. And there is no request not to spread the hate and there seem to be no deletion of any comments to protect a minor.




A Little More Christine Catlin and Someone Else

Hello, Dear Readers, I hope you all had great holidays and are now ready for the rough and tumble of the book community. Today we have an “author” who found a new tactic to further erode the trust between authors and reviewers/bloggers. I refer, of course, to Christine Catlin. Yeah yeah, I already posted a heads up but little Christine has been a busy little bee.

First off her book seems to no longer be for sale on Amazon, unless you want to spend $33.00 for a hardcopy.

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Like so many other readers today I found the description interesting and would probably have bought it if it had come to my notice almost any other way.

Now, when I was looking on Twitter for links to posts about Catlin I found this.

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Rebecca seems to be doing a lot of reviewing, like for these books.

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You’ll see why I included them in just a bit, have patience. Back to Catlin’s book. And here is Rebecca’s review on GR.

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And on Amazon.

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Here is her reviews for the other two on Amazon, and you can find them on GR also.

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Now, Dear Readers, you might think I am waffling around with no point in sight but would I do that to you? Of course not. Today you get a twofer. Here is Rebecca in all her glory.

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Here are her reviews on GR.

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Here she advertises her services on Twitter.

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“VERIFIED positive reviews”.  Now perhaps Catlin and any or all of those other authors didn’t buy a review from Rebecca, but I’m not inclined to believe that, are you? And I almost forgot this.

So there you have it. A BBA and a fiverr reviewer. Happy New Year from me and

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Sniveling Little Cowards

I have often stated, but maybe not often enough, that violence is not an acceptable response to whatever is going the rounds of book world social media. Mocking is. Not buying a badly behaving author’s books is. Violence is not.

This morning I found a new comment on my Booklikes post for R A Nunes new release. I contacted BL but the sniveling little Weinberg drone had already deleted their guest account.

Hey, I guess it’s okay to game the system and try to harass, guilt, or otherwise pressure reviewers into writing only positive 4 and 5 star reviews but mocking that behavior is beyond the pale.

I. Don’t. Think. So.

All those reading this that don’t approve of kevvie’s little friend’s behavior, do me a favor, buy her new book or go donate to Rachel’s GoFundMe. It’s an important cause, plagiarism, particularly this very nasty case of it should not be tolerated.


I really hope kevvie’s little underage girlfriend didn’t skip school to post that.